"Life is too short to be anything but happy."
-Abhishek Shukla

​​​​​​Julie and Corey have been blessed with many things in their lives, including their families and friends. In lieu of any engagement or wedding gifts, they would be honored if you would make a donation in their name to one of the following charities that are near and dear to them:

Yorkie Rescue Houston

Houston Beagle Rescue
Click on "Donate" in the upper right-hand corner.
Please add a note under "Add special instructions to the seller" 
that the donation is for Julie and Corey. 

Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation
Check the box "I would like to make a donation  to someone" and add Julie and Corey's contact information in the box.

Head for the Cure

Advanced Breast Cancer
Julie and Corey lost a very dear friend, Stephanie, to
Metastatic Breast Cancer. If you would like to make a donation to
the center Stephaniehelped to create through MD Anderson, 
please use the link above and chose "Give in Honor Of"
and fill in Julie or Corey's name and address as the honoree.
Just before you enter your payment information, please select "I'd like to choose where my donation will go", select "Other" and then enter 
Advanced Breast Cancer Center Excellence (600143 80 115714 19).